روش های جمع آوری

روش های جمع آوری

روش های جمع آوری
روش های مجموعه برای کپی، مقایسه، مرتب سازی و ادغام متغیرها و آرایه ها استفاده می شود.

String[] copy(String… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given array of strings, which can also be specified as a varargs of strings.
String[][] copy(String[]… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given string matrix, which can also be specified as a varargs of rows (string arrays).
double[] copy(double… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given array of doubles, which can also be specified as a varargs of doubles.
double[][] copy(double[]… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given double matrix, which can also be specified as a varargs of rows (double arrays).
int[] copy(int… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given array of integers, which can also be specified as a varargs of integers.
int[][] copy(int[]… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given integer matrix, which can also be specified as a varargs of rows (integer arrays).
boolean[] copy(boolean… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given array of booleans, which can also be specified as a varargs of booleans.
boolean[][] copy(boolean[]… toCopy)
Returns a copy of the given boolean matrix, which can also be specified as a varargs of rows (boolean arrays).
boolean equals(String[] str1, String[] str2)
Returns true if all strings in the given array are equal and they have the same number of elements.
boolean equals(String[][] matr1, String[][] matr2)
Returns true if all strings in the given matrix are equal and they have the same number of elements.
boolean equals(int[] ints1, int[] ints2)
Returns true if all integers in the given array are equal and they have the same number of elements.
boolean equals(int[][] ints1, int[][] ints2)
Returns true if all integers in the given matrix are equal and they have the same number of elements.
boolean equals(double dl1, double dl2, double relErrorTolerance)
Compares whether the relative error of two doubles is within allowed tolerance using abs(( a – b ) / b ), where b is the larger of the doubles (by absolute value).
boolean equals(double dl1, double dl2)
Same as above, but uses a default relErrorTolerance of 0.0001.
boolean equals(double[] dbls1, double[] dbls2, double relErrorTolerance)
Compares the relative errors ( ~ abs(( a – b) / b ) of elements in the arrays pairwise and returns true if all relative errors are below relErrorTolerance and the arrays have the same number of elements.
boolean equals(double[] dbls1, double[] dbls2)
Same as above, but uses a default relErrorTolerance of 0.0001.
boolean equals(double[][] dbls1, double[][] dbls2, double relErrorTolerance)
Compares the relative errors ( ~ abs(( a – b ) / b ) of elements in the matrices pairwise and returns true if all relative errors are below relErrorTolerance and the matrices have the same number of elements.
boolean equals(double[][] dbls1, double[][] dbls2)
Same as above, but uses a default relErrorTolerance of 0.0001.
sort(String[] strs)
Sorts the given array of strings. NOTE: The array is sorted in place.
sort(int[] ints)
Sorts the given array of integers. NOTE: The array is sorted in place.
sort(double[] doubles)
Sorts the given array of doubles. NOTE: The array is sorted in place.
sort(String[][] strs)
Sorts the given 2D array of strings. The columns are sorted by their row values from top to bottom. NOTE: The array is sorted in place.
sort(int[][] ints)
Sorts the given 2D array of integers. The columns are sorted by their row values from top to bottom. NOTE: The array is sorted in place.
sort(double[][] doubles)
Sorts the given 2D array of doubles. The columns are sorted by their row values from top to bottom. NOTE: The array is sorted in place.
merge(String[]… toMerge)
Returns an array of strings with all strings merged from the given arrays.
merge(int[]… toMerge)
Returns an array of integers with all integers merged from the two given arrays.
merge(double[]… toMerge)
Returns an array of doubles with all doubles merged from the two given arrays.