Structural Mechanics Module
New Functionality in Version 6.1
Solid Mechanics interface in 1D and 1D axisymmetry
The Solid Mechanics interface is now also available for components with 1D and 1D axisymmetric geometries. This is mainly interesting for multiphysics cases. Several multiphysics interfaces and multiphysics couplings are available in 1D and 1D axisymmetry. Some features and material models that are inherently multiaxial are not available in the 1D versions of the interface.
Testing of Material Models
A new feature, Test Material, has been added to the Solid Mechanics interface. With this feature, it is possible to set up single-element tests for various scenarios like uniaxial or biaxial tension. The purpose is to test and verify the behavior of a material model for a given set of material properties. For material models with an explicit time dependence, the test study can be time dependent.
Materials on Boundaries of Solids
In the Solid Mechanics interface, a new feature called Thin Layer has been introduced. You can use it to add material models on interior and exterior boundaries. Most domain material models that would also be relevant for a thin layer are available. With the Composite Materials Module, a thin layer can itself be multilayered. There are different formulations of the thin layer materials, depending on the assumed kinematics.
Physics Interface for Wires
A new physics interface dedicated to the analysis of wires and cables has been added: The Wire interface is available with the Structural Mechanics Module and Multibody Dynamics Module.
Multiphysics Interfaces for Thin-Film Damping
Two new multiphysics interfaces for modeling thin-film damping have been added: Solid Thin-Film Damping and Shell Thin-Film Damping. They combine a Thin-Film Flow interface with a Solid Mechanics or Shell interface, respectively. The couplings are made through the new Structure Thin-Film Flow Interaction and Shell Thin-Film Flow Interaction multiphysics couplings.
As an effect of this more general approach, the Thin-Film Damping feature in the Solid Mechanics interface has been retired. It will still appear if you open an old model that contains such a feature, but you can no longer add it. Consider replacing it using the new modeling paradigm, since it will only be available for a few more releases and is no longer actively maintained.
Magnetostriction Interface Changes
The Magnetostriction multiphysics interface has been split into two different interfaces: Piezomagnetism and Nonlinear Magnetostriction.
Dead Loads in Linearized Buckling Analysis
In a linearized buckling study, you can now separate the loads into those that are assumed to be independent of the load factor (dead loads) and those that are proportional to the load factor (live loads). To mark a certain load as being a dead load, you go to the Linear Buckling section in the settings for that load feature. This section is only shown when Advanced Physics Options is enabled. There are also special settings in the Linear Buckling study step to control the different load cases.
Thickness of Shells and Membranes Can Change Over Time
In the Shell and Membrane interfaces, the Thickness and Offset node has been augmented by a subnode called Thickness Change. There, it is possible to enter a rate of thickness change. The purpose is to model phenomena like wear, corrosion, and electrodeposition.
Wear Modeling in Shell and Membrane Interfaces
A new Wear subnode has been added to the Contact node in the Shell and Membrane interfaces. With this feature you can model thickness reduction and corresponding changes in contact force distribution caused by wear. The functionality is similar to what was already available in the Solid Mechanics interface.
New Discretization Setting for Wear
When the offset-based wear formulation is used, you can now select the type of shape function that is used to describe the offset field. This is done in the new Discretization section in the Wear node.
Continuity Using Nitsche’s Method
In the Continuity node in the Solid Mechanics and Multibody Dynamics interfaces, you can now select between three different methods for enforcing the continuity conditions. In addition to using pointwise or weak constraints, a new formulation based on Nitsche’s method is also available. The main advantage with the new method is that there is no need for constraint elimination, since it only adds terms to the stiffness matrix.
Component Mode Synthesis Improvements
The Component subnode under Reduced Flexible Components has been renamed to Component Definition.
New Search Method for Contact Analysis
A new search method for finding the distance between contacting boundaries has been implemented. It is significantly faster than the previous methods, in particular for large 3D models. The new method, Hierarchical, is now the default search method in the settings for a Contact Pair. The old search methods have been renamed to better reflect their properties. The performance has been improved for these methods as well.
Contact Using Nitsche’s Method
For contact between solid objects, it is now possible to select Nitsche as Contact method. This method does not suffer from the introduction of an arbitrary stiffness, as in the penalty method, and still no extra degrees of freedom are required. The Nitsche method is robust but can be more costly because it produces a nonsymmetric stiffness matrix.
New Formulation For Contact Equations
The formulation for the contact equations has been improved for all contact methods. In particular, a reduced Jacobian is now used by default. You can control the assembly of the Jacobian through the Jacobian contribution control in the Advanced section of the Contact settings. Select Legacy to revert to the version 6.0 behavior.
Improved Support for Self-Contact
If you make the same selection for the source and destination in a Contact Pair node, a formulation of the contact conditions that is fully symmetric between source and destination boundaries is used.
Improved Formulation for Contact in Shell and Membrane
The contact mapping is now done from the actual top and bottom surfaces of the structural elements, enabling a correct area scale for thick, highly curved shells.
Possible to Trigger a Cutback in the Solver for All Contact Methods
The Trigger Cutback section is now available for all contact methods. By setting an appropriate cutback criterion, you can force the solver to go back and start with a smaller parameter or time step, rather than spending many iterations on a solution that is far from convergence.
Base Excitation
A new node at the global level, Base Excitation, has been added to the structural mechanics interfaces. The purpose is to handle the case where all support points experience a common acceleration history. Base excitation can be used for any dynamic study type, but it is most important for the modal-based procedures where it is not possible to directly prescribe a nonzero acceleration of displacement.
Gravity and Linearly Accelerated Frame
The Gravity node has been changed to be a global feature in all structural mechanics interfaces. The reason is that gravity is almost always applied to the entire structure. A new node, Linearly Accelerated Frame, makes it possible to prescribe nonuniform inertial loads.
Loads Given as Resultant
For a Boundary Load or Point Load, it is now possible to give the total load as a force and moment resultant. To use such a load, select Resultant from the Load type list. This option is available in the Solid Mechanics, Multibody Dynamics, and Layered Shell interfaces.
For Point Load, there is now also the possibility to set Load type to either Force per point or Total force.
The difference between a total force and a resultant is that in the former case, the given value is simply divided by the number of selected points (or boundary area) before it is evenly distributed. A resultant implies a certain spatial distribution of the loads.
Results in Local Directions
By adding a Local System Results node in a Solid Mechanics, Multibody Dynamics, or Solid Rotor interface, you can get access to a number of result variables expressed in a given coordinate system. This includes displacements, velocities, accelerations, stresses, strains, and material properties.
Evaluation of Weld Stresses in the Shell Interface
When two boundaries with shell elements are joined using the Edge to Edge connection in the Shell interface, it is possible to define the connection as a weld and to evaluate weld-specific stress results. Three types of welds can be defined: single-sided fillet weld, double-sided fillet weld, and butt weld.
Moment and Shear Force Diagrams for Beams
In the Beam interface, a capability to draw moment and shear force diagrams has been included. Such section force diagrams can be added from the Add Predefined Plot window. The section force diagrams take the load distribution into account, so that even with a very coarse mesh, the diagrams are more or less exact.
A set of new section force variables, called distributed section forces has been added to facilitate this. The variable names are the same as for the standard section forces but appended by _d, for example, beam.Myl_d.
Standard Cross Sections for Truss Elements
In the Truss interface, the Cross-Section Data node has been augmented by an option for defining the element cross section by geometrical properties. The available cross sections are the same as in the Beam interface, that is, Rectangle, Box, Circular, Pipe, H-profile, U-profile, T-profile, C-profile, and Hat.
Selection of Side for Shell Connections
In the Edge to Edge, Edge to Boundary, and Boundary to Boundary connections in the Shell interface, it is now possible to select a through-thickness location (top, bottom, or midsurface) as the reference for the connection.
New Input Options for Nonisotropic Elastic Materials
In the Linear Elastic Material and Layered Linear Elastic Material nodes, there are new input options for material properties:
A new class of material symmetries has been added, called Crystal. It facilitates the input of elasticity properties for seven different crystal systems, such as Cubic (3 constants) and Hexagonal (5 constants). This option requires the Structural Mechanics Module or the MEMS Module.
For an orthotropic material, it is possible to select the special case Transversely isotropic, in which case five material constants are required.
Multiplicative Formulation for Piezoelectricity
For the Piezoelectric Material, a new formulation has been implemented in which the inelastic (piezoelectric) strains under geometric nonlinearity are removed from the total strains through multiplicative decomposition. The formulation is controlled by the Use multiplicative formulation check box. When selected, any study will be forced to be geometrically nonlinear.
Cell Periodicity can Create Material Data on Compliance Form
When you select Average stress as Periodicity Type in Cell Periodicity, it is now possible to create an average compliance matrix. This is an effect of the Linear Elastic Material setting now allowing input to be included on the compliance form.
Extended Built-In Material
The built-in Structural Steel material has been augmented so that material properties are temperature dependent. There is also material data for a wide range of nonlinear material models.
Library of Parts for Homogenization of Microstructures
In the Part Library, a new folder called Representative Volume Elements has been added to the COMSOL Multiphysics branch. It contains a number of parameterized geometries for common microstructures, like fiber and particulate composites. These geometries can, for example, be used to compute effective material properties using the representative volume element (RVE) method. The Cell Periodicity node in the Solid Mechanics interface is designed for this.
Released Degrees of Freedom in Rigid Connector
It is now possible to specify that there is no connection in a certain direction for a rigid connector. The direction can be specified in a local coordinate system, so that it, for example, can be the radial direction from a certain point. You specify this behavior in the new Released Degrees of Freedom in the settings for the Rigid Connector node.
Singularity Suppression for Two-Point Rigid Connector
When a rigid connector has a selection that consists of only two points, it is now possible to add a spring type condition to suppress the rotational singularity that could occur. The setting for this is in the Advanced section in the settings for the Rigid Connector. The Add rotational stiffness for two-point selection check box is shown when the Include consistency checks check box is cleared.
Limited Displacement in Truss Interface
In the Prescribed Displacement node in the Truss interface, there is a new option, Limited Displacement. This type of boundary condition limits the displacement in a certain direction to a given maximum value. The Prescribed Displacement node has been redesigned in order to accommodate this.
Correction for Pipe Bends
In the Pipe Mechanics interface, you can now specify correction factors for stiffness and stress evaluation in pipe bends. To do so, you add the Bend subnode under Pipe Cross Section.
Stress Evaluation Using Reduced Pipe Thickness
When specifying a Pipe Cross Section in the Pipe Mechanics interface, you can now enter a reduced pipe thickness for the stress evaluation. This can be used when, for example, taking corrosion allowance into account.
Library of Pipe Geometries
In the Part Library, the content of the Pipes folder in the COMSOL Multiphysics branch has been augmented. The folder now contains parameterized geometries for the following common piping parts: straight pipe, bend, reducer, and T-junction. These geometries can be used for detailed analysis using the Solid Mechanics or Shell interface. Such a part can be inserted into a pipe system modeled using the Pipe Mechanics interface, through the Structure-Pipe Connection multiphysics coupling.
Because the new parts are more general in scope, the old straight_pipe and bent_pipe parts have been removed.
New Formulation of Rigid Motion Suppression
The rigid motion suppression constraints are now applied in an average sense rather than at arbitrary points. The advantage is that the visual impression of the deformation shape is more intuitive.
Improved Performance for Random Vibration Evaluation
The operators used for the evaluation of random vibration results have been optimized and now exhibit significantly better performance.
Rigid Domain Renamed to Rigid Material
The Rigid Domain material model has been renamed to Rigid Material in all physics interfaces. The purpose is to emphasize that this is a material model with the same status as other material models.
Reduced Number of Default Plots
With the introduction of the new concept of predefined plots, the number of default plots that are always produced by the structural mechanics interfaces has been reduced significantly. Several plots that were default plots are now instead optional and can be added from Add Predefined Plot window. There are also several new useful predefined plots.
Preview Plot for Rayleigh Damping
In the Damping, Layered Damping, and Mechanical Damping nodes, it is now possible to create a preview plot that shows the damping as a function of frequency when data for Rayleigh damping has been given.
Preview Plot for Thickness and Offset
In the Thickness and Offset nodes in the Shell and Membrane interfaces, it is now possible to create a preview plot that shows how the given inputs are interpreted.
New Option for Generation of Material Data in Cell Periodicity
When creating material data from a Cell Periodicity node, you can now choose between the two actions Create Material by Reference and Create Material by Value. The new second option makes it possible to store material data in a file that can be used in other models.
Grouping of ODE Variables in Solver
In each Rigid Connector and Attachment node, a set of ordinary differential equation (ODE) degrees of freedom are created, representing the translation and rotation. Up to version 6.0, each of these nodes would add two or three nodes under Dependent Variables in the solver sequence. For models with many such features, this list could become long. From version 6.1, the default is that such variables are grouped together instead.
You can control whether or not to use the grouping. This can be done in two places. The default behavior can be controlled from the Advanced Settings section in the settings for the physics interface. This section is visible if Advanced Physics Options is active.
The default behavior can, however, be overridden for each individual Rigid Connector or Attachment node, by using a selection in the Advanced section in the feature itself.
When opening an old model, the grouping will be turned off in order to maintain full compatibility with the previous version. When building a model using the API, the new default will be used. This is true even if, for example, a Java® file created from an older version is used. If you want to achieve full backward compatibility using the API, you need to add two lines similar to
prop("AdvancedSettings").set("GroupPhysOdesRc", false);
prop("AdvancedSettings").set("GroupPhysOdesAtt", false);
There are subtle differences in how the solver handles time stepping and convergence depending on whether dependent variables are grouped or not. With grouping, the ODE variables will be assigned less weight when compared with, for example, the displacement field, as long as no other settings are changed.
Changed Default Foldline Angle
The default foldline angle in the Shell interface has been reduced to 0.001 rad in order to reduce the risk of artificial stiffening.
New Option When Connecting Shells and Solids
When connecting a shell or membrane boundary to a solid domain boundary, using the Solid-Thin Structure Connection multiphysics coupling, you can now select for which physics interface the constraints are generated. If the Connection type is Shared boundaries or Parallel boundaries, you can make this selection in the new Advanced section.
Restructured Reduced-Order Model Studies
When one of the three reduced-order model studies (Frequency Domain, Modal Reduced-Order Model; Time Dependent, Modal Reduced-Order Model; or Frequency Domain, AWE Reduced-Order Model) is selected, the generated studies have a structure that differs from previous releases. One study (Frequency Domain or Time Dependent) is no longer needed. Instead, subnodes with the same names are created under the Model Reduction study step.
Nodal Version Of Shell Normal Constraints
In the Advanced Settings section in the Shell interface, you can now select whether the constraints on the rotation around the normal are added as nodal or elemental constraints.
Multiplicative Strain Decomposition in Shell and Plate Interfaces
When modeling using geometric nonlinearity, the inelastic strains are now removed by multiplicative decomposition in the Shell and Plate interfaces.
Limitations of Selections on Axis of Rotation
For 2D axisymmetric components, it is no longer possible to select a line on the axis of rotation for a number of features. For the Shell and Membrane interfaces, such lines can no longer be part of the physics selection. For Solid Mechanics, a number of boundary conditions that are not relevant on the axis of rotation can no longer include it in the selection.
Removed Section in Physics Interface Settings
The Reference Point for Moment Computation section has been removed from the settings for all structural mechanics interfaces. The values of the properties are now always set in the feature under Results where they are used.
In the Layered Linear Elastic Material, the degree of freedom (DOF) for the transverse strain is always active when a mixed formulation is used.
In the Linear Elastic Material in the Shell interface in 2D axisymmetry, a discontinuous Lagrange shape function is now used to represent the transverse strain DOF.